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Prima! Cliënt gericht, goede dienstverlening
Maaike made the makelaar from Van Der Linde look bad. Unlike the makelaar from Van Der Linde, Maaike was friendly and welcoming from the moment she opened the door. Maaike introduced the property very well, checking if we had known about the new bidding price before proceeding with the rest of the v Lees meer…
Maaike made the makelaar from Van Der Linde look bad. Unlike the makelaar from Van Der Linde, Maaike was friendly and welcoming from the moment she opened the door. Maaike introduced the property very well, checking if we had known about the new bidding price before proceeding with the rest of the viewing. We thought that was a really nice touch. Also thought it was great how open and receptive Maaike was to questions and providing information, especially with any faults (i.e. oven functionality). She remained professional throughout, maintaining client confidentiality on all fronts, even when faced with challenging questions. It had us wishing Maaike was our makelaar and not working for the seller! Maaike represents Hoekstra & van Eck in a positive light. From this experience alone, we would consider Hoekstra & van Eck as potential makelaars if our search doesn't go too well. We want to thank Maaike for making the viewing so interesting and enjoyable. Although we did not win, we would want to view another property with someone like Maaike around.
Er waren geen folders van de woning beschikbaar. Er werd niet verteld hoe de biedingen in zijn werk gaan. Wel goed ontvangen
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